Our world, our responsibility…
The Creek Caravan Park is situated in a UNESCO World Heritage Site, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and very close to areas designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).
But we are not complacent, we’ve always known that Ringstead is a unique and special place and we are determined to continue to play our part to ensure it remains that way. Working together with our owners, visitors, contractors and neighbours we plan to develop and implement sustainable practices to minimise our impact on the environment and to reduce our contribution to global warming and waste.
In the past we have had a green policy placing emphasis on reducing, reusing and recycling. Going forward we have ambitious plans to implement further positive changes to make sustainability our goal. We are determined to keep reviewing our policies and to embrace new ideas for best practice.
We are committed to:
- establishing an efficient and eco-friendly waste disposal area with signs providing helpful tips supporting our owners and visitors in their efforts to reduce, reuse and recycle and establishing, where possible, an additional recycling service using local collection points for items that Dorset Council team are currently unable to recycle;
- increasing the number of glass, paper, cardboard and plastic bins available to help owners with their efforts to recycle;
- continuing to provide a dog waste bin facility for all visitors to Ringstead, thereby encouraging everyone to pick up after their dog;
- providing information on local charity shops that can take items for recycling and reuse;
- identifying practices to reduce the amount of waste paper we produce in the office and in our holiday accommodation.
We are committed to:
- complying with all the necessary environmental legislation and codes of practice;
- managing the park and grounds in an environmentally sustainable way by conserving resources, and creating minimum impact on the local biodiversity;
- using LED light bulbs and motion sensors in our park buildings and external lighting;
- replacing our groundwork tools with rechargeable electric equivalents, where possible;
- establishing an ethical buying policy including introducing eco-friendly cleaning products in our holiday accommodation;
- providing electric car charging points;
- providing meters at each pitch to enable our owners to monitor their own electric usage;
- saving water by encouraging owners to install water savers in all toilet cisterns;
- providing a free water station for walkers and visitors to Ringstead, encouraging them to bring their own reusable bottles instead of buying single use water bottles;
- investigating how in the future we can make use of solar energy, establish water recycling systems and capture renewable energy and restore nutrients back into the soil through compositing our own food waste;
- promoting a local litter picking campaign through loaning litter picking tool and providing a waste collection point;
- participating in, and providing information for our owners and visitors on, local beach cleaning events;
- providing information on local farmers’ markets, food growers and suppliers to encourage our owners and visitors to buy local and minimise food miles;
- providing up to date information for our customers so they can take full advantage of local amenities and events to support the local community.
Ringstead is a natural oasis for wildlife. It is our aim to protect, conserve and enhance our park by managing our greenspace in as environmentally friendly a way as possible. We are committed to
- setting aside an area for native wildflowers to grow within the park grounds creating habitats to encourage and increase bees, butterflies, hedgehogs, bugs, worms and birds whilst providing opportunities for our owners and visitors to observe and enjoy the natural countryside and gain further knowledge to enhance their stay;
- replanting native trees and establishing hedgerows, where appropriate;
- being sensitive to local wildlife living on the park when mowing and strimming;
- ditching pesticides and poisons;